Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Text Effects di Microsoft Word

efek-teksMemberikan efek pada teks biasanya dilakukan untuk memberikan penekanan atau penegasan.  atau membuat penulisan layaknya stabilo pada buku paket atau catatan waktu kuliah dulu.  sehingga pada bagian yang ditandai tersebut akan mengingatkan kita akan pentingnya teks yang ditandai tersebut.  Berikut ini merupakan contoh efek teks yang bisa digunakan pada saat anda menggunakan microsoft word 2003.  Untuk dapat memberikan efek tertentu sesuai dengan pilihan, blok teks atau kalimat yang akan diberikan efek.  setelah itu, masuklah ke menu format*font—klik tab text effects (lihat gambar).  pilih efek yang diinginkan kemudian klik OK.  selesai.

You can further refine the look of the styles in your document switching out the fonts or colors used by selecting new sets from the Change Styles menu. For longer, printed documents, you may prefer to use Cambria rather than Calibri as your body font because fonts like Cambria (called Serif fonts) make printed documents more readable. The default font pair is at the top of the menu (Cambria/Calibri) and the reverse usage (Calibri/Cambria) is located about halfway down. With the choices provided in the product, there are several hundred combinations available. The following documents use the same style set but the font and colors have been changed.

Font and color are both elements of a document theme. You can change the entire theme using the control on the Page Layout tab.
One of the other places where themes have greatly changed what you see in Word is in two of the most commonly used formatting controls—the font picker and the color picker. Now, in both, the top entries give you choices that are "theme-aware," meaning that if you apply these choices to your text and then change your themes, the fonts and colors used can be updated. Rather than defining the heading as "blue," we define it as using theme color 2. You can see the difference between theme-aware and standard colors by looking at the two sections of the color picker as you experiment with changing themes. The same color picker is used for font color, borders, shading, and formatting the look of many other objects within Word. The following image shows the color picker with two different themes (the Office default on the left and Verve on the right).

The purpose of a theme is to allow changing the fonts or colors in a consistent way across a document without having to redefine the individual styles. This functionality is lost when you apply a font directly or use one of the Standard colors from the bottom of the color picker, even if you save that information as part of the style definition. Instead of the definitions saying "use the first theme color," the definition states "use color X." We refer to this as the document no longer being "theme-aware;" however, the use of styles in the document has not changed. You should be aware that this is definitely a 2007 feature; saving to an older format removes the theme references.
The Document Theme defines the colors, fonts and graphic effects for a document. When applying a Theme you can choose to apply only one, or any number of these elements. All you have to do is select the palette, font or styling from one of the three galleries in the Themes group.
When you open both the font picker and the colour picker, the top entries give you choices that are "theme aware". This means that if you apply your choices to selected text and then change the theme, the applied fonts and colours will be updated. Rather than assigning the colour "green" to content, you are assigning "theme colour 2".The new Office Theme file format (.THMX) is shared between Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook email messages. Almost everything that can be inserted into a document is automatically styled to match the overall document theme creating a consistent document design. Similar themes are also available for data reports in Access and Project or shapes in Visio.The purpose of a theme is to allow the changing of fonts and colors in a consistent way across a document without having to redefine the individual styles. This functionality is lost when you apply a font directly or use one of the Standard colors from the bottom of the color picker, even if you save that information as part of the style definition.In this case the document is no longer "theme-aware".
Themes Thumbnail
A. Grup Themes

Mengubah tampilan/tema pada M.S Word

Klik ikon yang ada di pojok kiri atas  atau klik Alt + F maka akan muncul seperti ini lalu klikword options

Pilih tema yang anda ingin kan dengan klik color scheme yang saya tandai warna merah( tema bawaan dari sananya ada 3 yaitu blue silver dan black, tinggal pilih anda mau yang mana) setelah selesai  tinggal  klik OK.